Emma Kunz and Contemporary Art

Two Exhibitions in Switzerland

Two exhibitions in Switzerland show that the interest in the abstract geometric artworks by Emma Kunz (1892-1963) is unbroken. Emma Kunz is currently one of the most frequently exhibited mediumistic artists. The reception of her oeuvre in the context of the reassessment of non-representational mediumistic creation in the art historical discourse has brought the evocative works of the Swiss naturopath, who called herself "Penta", increasingly into focus.

In the exhibition Zahl, Rhythmus, Wandlung – Emma Kunz und Gegenwartskunst (Number, Rhythm, Transformation: Emma Kunz and Contemporary Art), the Kunsthalle Ziegelhütte of the Kunstmuseum Appenzell relates the work of Emma Kunz to the place where it was created, the Appenzellerland, where she lived and worked from 1951 until her death. At the same time, her fascinating energetic diagrams, of which she herself said they were "destined for the 21st century", are being put into relation to contemporary art by works from twelve contemporary Swiss and international artists.

The exhibition Kosmos Emma Kunz – Eine Visionärin im Dialog mit zeitgenössischer Kunst (Emma Kunz Cosmos: A Visionary in Dialogue With Contemporary Art) will follow at the Aargauer Kunsthaus from January 2021. The Aargauer Kunsthaus too will bring the vibrant visual creations of Emma Kunz into resonance with positions of contemporary art.



appen01Number, Rhythm, Transformation: Emma Kunz and Contemporary Art
12 Mai 2020 – 25 Oct 2020
Kunsthalle Ziegelhütte
Ziegeleistrasse 14, 9050 Appenzell
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Exhibition catalogue edited by Régine Bonnefoit and Sara Petrucci
200 pages, 138 images
23 x 25.5 cm
German / French
ISBN 978-3-95829-766-1


appen02Emma Kunz Cosmos: A Visionary in Dialogue With Contemporary Art
23 Jan – 24 May 2021
Aargauer Kunsthaus
5001 Aarau
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